Tuesday, January 29, 2013

How it Works

Hello and welcome to the Never Land Reading Club! Here's how it works:

Every day I read a children's novel to my kiddos. Some days we only read a page or two. Some days we read a couple chapters. It doesn't really matter how much, the point is that you're reading together! After reading we spend time talking about what happened in the chapter. I ask them about the good or bad things that happened, what their favorite character is, or talk to them about certain themes in the book. After we finish a novel, we have a book party!

The point of the book parties is to bring the book to life for your kids. We don't spend a lot of money on them (under $25), and all the decorations are crafts that I do with the kids during the week before the party. I have a bucket of craft items that I have on hand. Items include markers, glue, crayons, pipe cleaners, stickers, glitter, construction paper, and a paper roll (bought from Ikea for $5). It looks like a lot of work, but I promise, it's not! Plus, I've done all the leg work for you! I've included my print outs, game instructions and recipes. If I can do this, you definitely can! :o)

On the right hand side you'll find the information on the book that we're currently reading, along with the book that I'm planning on reading next. Click on the tabs above to find information on books that we've already read and information on the book parties that we've had.

Have fun making memories with your children! Let me know how it's going!


  1. Looks great Jen! So... Josh wanted to read "The Hobbit" to the girls, but I said "nah- they're too young (7.5 & 5.5 yrs), and besides, they're GIRLS". But "SANTA" surprised us with a beautifully illustrated Hobbit book, so he started reading it to them and...they ATE IT UP! When it was over, they watched the old animated version (thankfully he agreed the 2012 version was too scary/violent). It's long, but I think your boys would love it too! The party could include going on an adventurous hike! :) Wish we lived closer so we could do the parties TOGETHER! Maybe we'll start Chocolate Factory when you do. Chocolate party sound riiiight up my ally! ;)

  2. (I commented on the Chocolate page, but I don't know why it's showing my name wrong) Anyway, I also wanted to tell you: on our long drive to and from Goblin Valley (9 hrs total), we listened to C.S. Lewis "The Magician's Nephew". The audiobook version is SO good! Very talented reader! They now want to listen to or read the rest of the Narnia series. I highly recommend it! :) Oh, also, a good quick read they liked recently was "The Whipping Boy". --Sharlynn
